美楚号 > 影视 > 我是sam经典中英文台词——我是sam电影


导读《我是山姆》经典台词 爱不需要智商优质回答《我是山姆(I am Sam)》讲述了一个智商只有相当于七岁孩童的父亲,与有关当局争夺女儿抚养权期间发生的故事。这部电影和以前讲述亲情的...


《我是山姆》经典台词 爱不需要智商

优质回答《我是山姆(I am Sam)》讲述了一个智商只有相当于七岁孩童的父亲,与有关当局争夺女儿抚养权期间发生的故事。这部电影和以前讲述亲情的电影一样,都是走治愈路线的,一起来看看这部影片中的经典台词吧。


1、 在你的内心深处,爸爸是不是无法满足你的需求。我只需要爱。

2、 他是智障。所以他知道谁是智障。

3、 你只需要爱就够了。

4、 你长大了。耳朵变大,眼神却老了。

5、 露西:爸爸,上帝有意让你变为这样还是这只是一场意外山姆:什么意思露西:我的意思是说,你与众不同。山姆:可你是什么意思露西:你和别人的爸爸不一样。山姆:对不起,对不起,真的,对不起。露西:没关系,爸爸,没关系。不要难过,我是幸运的,别人的爸爸不会带我去公园。


6、 爸,为什么雪是一片片的”“因为雪.因为就是一片片的。” “爸, 芥末是什么做的呀”“是黄色的 番茄。” “爸, 瓢虫只有母的吗.有公的吗,叫什么呢”“是的,叫 披头士(甲壳虫)” “爸,天空有尽头吗”“爸,为什么月亮要跟着我走呢”

7、 爱并不需要智商 。

8、 爱,要有忍耐和仁慈,永远没有妒忌,爱,就永远不要自负,不要无理和自私,不要侵犯和愤怒,爱,使你不会因别人的过失而不快,但会因为真相而喜悦,要永远准备着去原谅、去信任、去希望、还有,去忍耐,无论世事变迁

9、 “我很幸运,你和别人的爸爸不一样,没有任何人的爸爸能够总是去公园。”

10、 “他们栖息在寂静中,很久很久,我们怎么会如此不同,但感觉却那么相像沉思一片掠过。我们怎么会如此不同,但感觉却那么相像奇妙的种子,我想,这是如此的神奇。”




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优质回答Showing all 32 items

Lucy: Daddy, did God made for you to be like this or was it an accident

Sam: Ok, what do you mean

Lucy: I mean you're different.

Sam: But what do you mean

Lucy: You're not like other daddies.

Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry.

Lucy: It's ok, daddy. It's ok. Don't be sorry. I'm lucky. Nobody else's daddy ever comes to the park.

Sam: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, we are lucky. Aren't we lucky Yeah!

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Sam: OK, remember when Paul McCartney wrote the song "Michelle" and then he only wrote the first part, Annie said. And then he gave that part to John Lennon, and he wrote the part that said, "I love you, I love you, I love you." And Annie said that it wouldn't have been the same song without that. and that's why the whole world cried when the Beatles broke up on April 10, 1970.

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Rita: I just don't know what to call you: retarded, mentally retarded, mentally handicapped, mentally disabled, intellectually handicapped, intellectually disabled, developementally disabled.

Sam: You can call me Sam.

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Sam: Yeah, but I tried, I tried hard.

Rita: Try harder!

Sam: Yeah, but you don't know, you don't know!

Rita: I don't know WHAT

Sam: Yeah, you don't know what is like when you try, and you try, and you try, and you try, and you don't ever get there! Because you were born perfect and I was born like this, and you're perfect!

Rita: Oh, is that right

Sam: People like you don't know.

Rita: People like me

Sam: People like you don't know what is like to get hurted. Because you don't have feelings. People like you don't feel anything!

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Rita: Now, Ms. Cossell, in all the time that you've known them, have you ever questioned Sam's ability as a father

Annie: Never.

Rita: Never

Annie: Never. Look at Lucy. She's strong. She displays true empathy for people, all kinds of people. I know that you all think she's as smart as she is despite him, but it's because of him.

Rita: So what you're saying is you don't worry about Lucy's future

Annie: No, I do.

Rita: Ah.

Annie: I worry all the time. I worry if they take Lucy away from her father they will take away an enormous piece of her, and I worry that she will spend the rest of her life trying to fill that hole.

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Lucy: I won't read the word!

Sam: I'm your father and I'm telling you to read the word. Cause I can tell you to because I'm your father.

Lucy: I'm stupid.

Sam: You are not stupid!

Lucy: Yes, I am.

Sam: No, you are not stupid 'cause you can read that word.

Lucy: I don't wanna read it if you can't.

Sam: No, because it makes me happy! It makes me happy hearing you read. Yeah, it makes me happy when you're reading.

Lucy: [Lucy reads again]

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Lucy: Why are men bald

Sam: Sometimes they're bald because their head is shiny and they don't have hair on it. So their head is just more of their face.

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Sam: Lucy doesn't need me anymore. She has a new family now. and she doesn't need me anymore.

Rita: Is that what she said

Sam: It's because I know that. Because I just know that.

Rita: Well. That's the first stupid thing I've ever heard you say.

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Lucy: All you need is love.

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Rita: You think you've got the market cornered on human suffering Let me tell you something about people like me. People like me feel lost, and little, and ugly, and dispensable. People like me have husbands, screwing other people far more perfect than me. People like me have sons who hate them. And I've screamed, I've screamed horrible things at him, at a 7 year old because he doesn't want to get in the car at the end of the day! And then he looks at me with such anger and I hate him then! I know I'm failing you! I know I'm disappointing you! I know you deserve better but get in the fucking car! It's like every morning I wake up and, I fail. And I look around and everybody seems to be pulling it off, but I-I-I can't! No matter how hard I try. Somehow, I'll never be enough.

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Rita: You answer in one sentence.

Ifty: I answer in one sentence. Short and sweet. Tim Curry was a "Sweet Tranvestite" in the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'

Rita: You better make that one word.

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Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes.

Sam: Yeah. do you worry that you did something wrong

Rita: No. I worry that I've gotten more out of this relationship than you.

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Sam: You think what they think.

Rita: It doesn't matter what I think. It matters that we win.

Sam: No, you think what they think. You think Sam can't take care of Lucy!

Rita: Sam, it doesn't matter what I think!

Sam: It matters to me!

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Sam: You're going a little faster than everybody else. I was wondering if you noticed that.

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Conner Rhodes: Why does your father act like a retard

Lucy: He is.

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Rita: Home.

Phone Voice: Dialing office.

Rita: HOME!

Phone Voice: Dialing office.


Phone Voice: Dialing Dr. Sloan.

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[Sam buys a "preowned" answering machine]

Ifty: Yeah. It's an outgoing message so I think you need to sound a little more outgoing.

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Rita: It's just. I've never lost at anything.

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Rita: Sam, I can go at least another nine rounds, but you got to let me in.

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Lucy: [being observed] I want no other daddy but you.

[turns to the glass]

Lucy: [shouts] Did you hear that I said I didn't want any other daddy but him. Why don't you write that down

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Rita: That's right.

Sam: OKAY!

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Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too

Lucy: No!

Conner Rhodes: How do you know

Lucy: Because he told me.

Conner Rhodes: But he's a retard!

Lucy: It takes one to know one.

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[in Rita's car]

Rita: On the Porsche the door handle is a little hidden by that thingamajig, so if you're having trouble finding it.

Annie: NO!

Sam: Ok, I think maybe Annie's not exactly ready to go yet.

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Rita: Can you grasp the concept of manipulating the truth. not lying, just a little tweak here and there

Sam: [thinks for a few seconds] No.

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Rita: [pounding her hands] Sam, you gotta be firm on this.

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Sam: You've grown.

Lucy: Have I

Sam: Yeah, 'cause your ears are bigger and your eyes are older.

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Rita: Where is your father

Willy Harrison: Where do you think

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[making fun of Lucy's dad]

Conner Rhodes: Sorry, Mr. Egg.

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Joe: Do we get a balloon with these

Shoe Salesman: .Yeah

Robert: All of us or just her

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Brad: I think you should sound like, a normal person. from the heart! From. the. heart!

Ifty: From the heart

Sam: This argh okay hello thank you for calling this is Saaaaaaaam

Ifty: Wow!

Brad: I feel that was a very thouching moment right there.

Ifty: I, I, I, I felt that one

Sam: High five!

All: High five!

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Ifty: I saw that on Channel 5 news. With the reporter with the toupee and Mr. Turner lost his toupee!

Mr. Turner: [Narrows his eyes angrily] Thank you, Mr. Wali.

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Rita: It's like every morning I wake up and I FAIL!



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